It’s a German Catholic church that dates back to the 1850s, and the cemetery was founded by German immigrants-a settlers’ cemetery not unlike the infamous Bachelors’ Grove Cemetery in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. as our coach pulled into the parking lot of the church. Location #1: Saint Mary’s Church and cemetery. Many Pottawatomie burial mounds have been excavated west of the Des Plaines River in various locations in Lake County, including some of the haunted sites that were featured on this Great Ghost Adventure. Another factor in hauntings is the tragic legacy of instances where various First Nations peoples were forced off their ancestral lands perhaps the various Native Americans-in this part of Illinois, the Pottawatomie (their tribe name means “Keepers of the Sacred Fire”) in particular-deliberately opened portals into the Otherworld by cursing the white settlers and Union soldiers that drove them off their tribal lands. “Water is a conduit for electricity, so we find manifestations where there are larger concentrations of water,” Ursula explained. Since water serves as a great conduit for paranormal activity, it’s no surprise that Lake County has so many haunted places. Lake County is one of the most haunted areas of the country. Why is Lake County, Illinois, so haunted? There were approximately 30 people aboard the coach bus with me that departed from one of the municipal parking lots in historic Long Grove, Illinois, at 10 a.m. This particular tour is one that Ursula and her team have been leading for the past four years and counting. Dubbed the Great Lake County Ghost Adventure, we traveled to and investigated many sites in Lake County, Illinois, over the span of seven-plus hours. On Sunday, June 30, 2019, I had the immense pleasure of joining local historian, prolific author, and renowned paranormal investigator, Ursula Bielski, and her Chicago Hauntings crew for my second professional paranormal investigation-or series of paranormal investigations.

More notches in my paranormal investigation belt!